Two students have a discussion

Communication Major

Bethany’s communication major engages students in the study of human communication. Many of our graduates are recognized nationally for their skills in video and broadcast media. Our graduates develop skills for communicating effectively with diverse audiences through the variety of channels available today. They have insight into audience analysis, are familiar with technology, are able to think about problems clearly, and demonstrate the ability to write and speak with precision and power. Additionally, our students consider the field from a Christian perspective, understanding what it means to be an ethical communicator.

Entry into the Major

A student desiring to enter the communication major will make a formal application to do so at some point following the successful completion of three college semesters.

Entry to the major will be granted based on the following qualifications:

  1. Achievement of at least a 2.8 GPA in all of the pre-major communication requirements.
  2. Successful completion of Major Admission Application and portfolio submission. Special circumstances may be considered by the communication division faculty.

Pre-major requirements should ordinarily be taken in the first two college years:

Declaration of major process can begin here.

Core Requirements

All communication majors will be required to pass each of the following six core courses with at least a “C–” grade, while maintaining a 2.8 GPA requirement in Program Courses:

Major Electives

At least 33 upper division (300–400 level) communication (COMM) credits are required for graduation with a communication major. Students may with advance planning create “Areas of Emphasis” consisting of groups of three or four upper division courses focusing on a particular aspect of communication studies. Emphases may consist of COMM offerings combined with courses that deal with communication in other disciplines — these courses all count toward the 33 credit requirement.

Areas of Emphasis

“Emphases” (groups of three or four upper division courses also focusing on a particular aspect of communication studies) provide communication majors maximum flexibility in tailoring programs to fit their interests and needs. Emphases make the communication major truly interdisciplinary, since courses can be drawn not only from communication (COMM) offerings, but from other curricular areas as well.

Internship Requirements

An essential component of the communication program, fieldwork experiences (internships) provide opportunities for students to apply classroom learning in real-life situations, explore career options, and build meaningful resumes.

Communication internships are available only to communication majors (COMM499 Communication Internship). At least three internship credits are required for graduation and count toward major requirements. As many as seven additional credits may be earned as upper division electives.

Students who minor in communication and desire an internship experience should pursue one within their chosen major.

Communication Minor

The communication minor requires:

One of the following:

One of the following:

Six additional credits at the three- or four-hundred level communication (COMM) courses

To view the most recent course list and requirements for the Communication major, please consult the Academic Catalog.

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Student Stories

Communication  Faculty

These faculty teach many of the courses that comprise the major. For more information, see the Communication Department page.

Next Steps

Interested in studying at Bethany? Scheduling a campus visit is a great way to see what we have to offer. You can meet professors or sit in on a class too! Contact our admissions office to learn more.